Unlocking the Secrets of Website Optimization: How to Improve Your Site’s Marketing Potential 
Published: February 5, 2023
Long-Tail keywords


Unlock the secrets of website optimization and take your site’s marketing potential to the next level. Discover tips and strategies for improving your site’s performance, increasing traffic, and maximizing conversions. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from SEO and content marketing to user experience and design. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimize your website for success! 

Before beginning any digital marketing efforts, it is essential to evaluate your current resources to ensure they are suitable for the task, whether you are new to online marketing or refining an existing campaign. 

It’s important to ensure that your resources are adequate for the task, as there is no point in investing time, effort, and money in driving traffic to your company if they do not convert into customers. 

In digital marketing, your website is considered the most valuable asset, acting as a virtual storefront and the initial point of contact for customers. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your website is in excellent condition before promoting it and driving traffic to it. 

Is your website suitable for marketing?

To answer this crucial question, we’ve created a Digital Marketing Assessment tool that you can use by answering the relevant questions to determine if your website is ready to be promoted. 

1. Are your website’s conversion points optimized? 

Conversion points are designed to prompt website visitors to take a desired action, such as filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase. To increase the chances of converting visitors into leads or customers, it’s important to effectively highlight and promote the appropriate conversion points. 

This may include strategies such as prominently displaying contact options, conducting A/B testing on call-to-action elements like size, color, and language, efficiently storing user data from web forms, providing prompt responses to online inquiries, utilizing analytics to track user activity, and conversion paths. 

2. How current is your website’s programming?

Search engines prioritize websites that are kept current with the latest programming standards. If your website has not been updated recently, it may be in need of a refresh.

To ensure that your website is optimized for search engines, it’s important to have a web developer who can provide ongoing maintenance and updates, access to the website’s content management system, use of current programming languages, relevant and up-to-date content on all pages, and a verified sitemap and robots.txt file that clearly communicates the website’s structure.

We can provide you with all of these at CresZak.

3. Do you have a content marketing strategy and/or blog?

Having a content marketing strategy is essential in today’s social media landscape, but not all companies need to have a blog. For those who don’t have a blog or don’t want one, a “news” section can be a great alternative for publishing company updates. These updates should be promoted on social media channels to keep your brand top of mind.

 If a blog is used, it should be regularly updated at least once a month, with a content calendar and multimedia assets such as photos and videos, and be based on research of what topics your audience is interested in or concerns about.

Blog posts and/or news stories should be promoted and shared on social media channels.

Additionally, desired outcomes should be planned and analytics used to measure results.

The copy should be written in a language that speaks to the target audience and addresses their needs and pain points.

4. Does your site shine on mobile?

With more than 50% of emails being opened on mobile devices, it’s increasingly important for websites to have a strong mobile presence. Mobile users rely on smartphones and tablets to shop, search and interact with businesses, so it’s crucial that a site not only works on mobile devices but also performs well on them.

To achieve this, a site should be optimized for mobile viewing, incorporate responsive design, load quickly and have well-spaced touch elements.

Additionally, it’s useful to track the percentage of website traffic that comes from mobile views and compare email open rates on mobile and desktop.

If applicable, a mobile app or SMS notifications can also be used to engage with the audience.

5. Why digital marketing?

Having specific goals in mind when developing a digital marketing strategy is essential, but it’s also important to ensure that those goals are achievable and that digital marketing is the appropriate means of reaching them.

To this end, our team has identified specific areas such as conversion rate and number of leads that we aim to improve through digital marketing.

We have also defined our key target markets to conduct further research into their online behavior.

Additionally, we have dedicated internal resources for communication with a digital agency, and are committed to making necessary changes to our website.

Is your website marketable?

So, how did you do?

If you were able to check off all the items above, your website is ready for marketing. However, if not, don’t worry as there are plenty of opportunities to improve and refine your digital presence.

That’s where we come in. This assessment is an example of the type of preparation we do before each campaign. It is a crucial aspect of our strategic approach, which focuses on delivering digital marketing solutions that align with our clients’ business objectives. If you have any questions or concerns about your digital presence, or if you need help with marketing it, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to share our expertise on how to optimize your website and digital strategy to shine online.

Additionally, if you would like to read more articles like this, feel free to check out our other blogs.

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