Trust & Inspire: Unleashing Greatness with Stephen M.R. Covey’s Bestseller on Leadership and Management 
Published: February 20, 2023
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2 min read

Unlock the secrets of truly great leadership with Stephen M.R. Covey’s New York Times bestseller, Trust and Inspire. This powerful book reveals how top leaders unleash greatness in themselves and their teams by building trust, inspiring action, and driving results. Discover the proven strategies, insights, and inspiration you need to succeed in today’s competitive business world. Whether you’re a seasoned manager or aspiring leader, Trust & Inspire is the ultimate guide to achieving lasting success and unleashing your full potential. 

Trust and Inspire

Discover the key to inspiring creativity and taking your leadership skills to the next level. As Stephen Covey reveals in his must-read book, “Trust & Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness,” it’s time to say goodbye to old-fashioned leadership techniques and embrace new, effective ways of leading.  

The Command & Control style of leadership is focused on getting things done and getting people to do those things, typically associated with the industrial age. It prioritizes performance over people and can be seen as “old-school” or “carrot & stick”. However, with advancements in emotional intelligence and human resources, leadership has become a more “enlightened” version of Command & Control, with more emphasis on being kind and benevolent.  

On the other hand, Trust and Inspire leadership prioritizes both performance and people. It is focused on getting results in a way that grows people and believes that people have greatness inside of them and that their job as leaders is to unleash their potential. Trust and Inspire leaders are authoritative without being authoritarian, strong without being forceful, and decisive without being autocratic. They achieve unparalleled performance in both tasks and relationships.  

The Trust and Inspire mantra is “manage things, lead people”. This means that great management is necessary for success, but great leadership is equally important. Command & Control leaders often become so good at managing things that they also approach people in the same way, treating them as machines, instead of recognizing that people have autonomy, talents, skills, initiative, and creativity. Instead, leaders should focus on being efficient with things and effective with people.  

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