Supercharge Your Amazon Revenue Growth: How to Expand Your Reach and Boost Sales in Just 30 Days 
Published: February 20, 2023
Long-Tail keywords

Discover proven strategies to supercharge your Amazon revenue growth and expand your reach in just 30 days! Our expert guide includes insider tips, tricks, and tactics for boosting sales and maximizing profits on the world’s largest e-commerce platform. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unlock explosive revenue growth and take your business to new heights! 

Supercharge Your Amazon Revenue Growth: How to Expand Your Reach and Boost Sales in Just 30 Days 

Expanding your Amazon reach into the US and Canadian marketplaces can quickly generate new revenue for your business. As a marketer, you understand that the more people who see your product, the greater the chances of making more sales. By selling on the US Amazon marketplace, you can put your product in front of 215 million people every month, which can lead to a significant increase in revenue.

Even if your business is already seeing consistent revenue from Amazon, you can start generating new revenue within a week by expanding your reach into these markets.

Why Sell on Amazon in the US and Canada?

The North American Amazon marketplaces are doing very well right now:

  • The US is a highly lucrative market for eCommerce, with over 4,000 items sold every minute.
  •  Amazon, in particular, has seen significant success in the US, with an annual global revenue of $386 billion in 2020.
  • The US marketplace alone accounted for $263 billion in sales, while the UK marketplace generated $26 billion in sales.
  •  Additionally, there are 2.2 million third-party sellers on Amazon globally, with 86% of them selling on the US marketplace.
  •  Amazon also holds a 49.1% share of the eCommerce market in the US, and the US marketplace receives 215 million unique monthly visitors.

Expanding your business onto the Amazon US marketplace is a great way to start generating new revenue. It is also a stepping stone to reaching the second-largest e-commerce site in the US, Walmart.

Not taking full advantage of all the resources and tools available on the global Amazon marketplace means missing out on a huge and scalable opportunity. To increase your reach and revenue, it is more in-depth than just doing a few ads or sponsored product listings.

How to get started selling on Amazon in North America

To expand your reach on Amazon, you first need to open a US or Canadian-based shop on the platform:

  •  Before doing so, it is important to conduct research to ensure there is a market for your product in the US and Canada and to understand the legal requirements for importing your product.
  • You should also investigate your options for shipping, create a plan and budget for taxes and regulations. Once you have done your research, you can choose an Amazon Seller plan, either an individual plan that charges you based on sales, or a professional plan that charges a monthly fee for unlimited products and transactions.
  •  Once you have chosen your plan, you can submit your application online and receive approval within three days.

To make the process of expanding your reach across the North American marketplaces more streamlined, we recommend signing up for a North American Unified Account. This will allow you to share your product listings across the US, Canadian, and Mexican marketplaces for a single monthly fee.

How to generate new revenue in 30 days by expanding your reach

After your Amazon account is approved for your US or Canadian store, you can start optimizing and uploading your product information. To expand your reach and grow your revenue on Amazon, consider these tips:

  • Conducting a competitive audit: To understand how to improve your sales on the US Amazon marketplace, it’s important to take a closer look at what your competitors are doing. Conducting a competitive audit will give you insight into their strategies and tactics, and help you identify areas where you can improve. This is similar to what you would have done for your UK-based competitors, but now you’re focusing specifically on the US marketplace on Amazon.
  • Optimize your product listings: When selling on Amazon’s US and Canadian marketplaces, it is important to understand that the language and strategies used to sell to UK and European customers may not be effective. To be successful, it is essential to place renewed focus on your strongest Unique Selling Points (USPs) in your copy and descriptions. This is likely different than what you are currently doing and requires a different approach to cater to the specific audience of the US and Canadian marketplaces.
  • Refresh your creative: To optimize your product listings and improve your visibility on the North American marketplaces, it is important to collaborate with visual creatives and copywriters who have an understanding of the specific audience and trends in these marketplaces. This includes uploading videos and refreshed graphics to your listing as well as optimizing for SEO keywords to increase the chances of your products appearing in search results. By working with professionals who understand the North American market, you can improve your chances of reaching and engaging potential customers.
  • Add a PPC strategy: To increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your Amazon listings, you should consider adding pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to your strategy. Amazon offers several ways to take advantage of PPC, in addition to your organic SEO keyword strategies. You could also consider creating PPC ads on other platforms to increase your reach and drive more traffic to your Amazon listings. To ensure that this strategy is effective and profitable, it is crucial to measure your Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) to evaluate the performance of your campaigns and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Develop a product review strategy: Product reviews play a crucial role in the purchasing decision of customers, with 89% of them reading reviews before making a purchase. If you are relatively new to the North American market, it’s crucial to establish your credibility by building a good reputation by having high-quality reviews. To achieve this, you will need to develop a strategy to acquire these positive reviews and post them on Amazon. This will increase the visibility of your products and attract more customers, in turn, helping you to establish yourself as a reliable seller on Amazon.
  • Streamline your logistics: Having a good inventory and fulfillment system in place is crucial to getting reviews on Amazon. 79.8% of Americans shop on Amazon due to the fast, free shipping. If you cannot get your products to the customers within 1-2 days, you risk losing market share to competitors who can. As a UK-based business looking to sell in the US, it is important to consider the feasibility of opening warehouses or manufacturing in the US, or using the Fulfillment by Amazon service, to ensure that you can meet the demands of the market and be competitive.

How to increase your Amazon sales revenue

If your business is already seeing consistent sales on the Amazon UK marketplace, expanding your reach into the US and Canadian markets can further increase your revenue. Online shopping is an industry that is predicted to continue growing in the coming years, and selling on the Amazon US marketplace can be a great way to capitalize on this trend. Now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity and increase your sales by selling on the Amazon US marketplace.

While you continue to expand your reach on Amazon be sure to check out our other blogs for similar insights.

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